This Parable of the Ten Virgins, is all about being prepared and staying ready, especially for young people trying to navigate life and its challenges.
The Story in a Nutshell
In Matthew 25:1-13, Jesus shares a story about ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Here’s the gist of it:
Five of them were wise and brought extra oil for their lamps.
Five of them were foolish and didn’t bring any extra oil.
The bridegroom was delayed, and all the virgins fell asleep while waiting. When the bridegroom finally arrived at midnight, the call went out: “Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!”
The wise virgins, with their extra oil, trimmed their lamps and were ready to go. But the foolish virgins, who had no extra oil, panicked and begged the wise ones to share. The wise virgins couldn’t help because there wasn’t enough oil for everyone, so the foolish ones had to rush out to buy more oil. While they were gone, the bridegroom arrived, and the wise virgins went with him to the wedding feast. When the foolish virgins finally returned, the door was shut, and they missed out.

What’s the Message?
This parable is a vivid reminder about the importance of being prepared and staying ready, especially for the coming of the Lord. But what does that mean for us today, in our everyday lives?
1. Preparation is Key
Just like the wise virgins prepared by bringing extra oil, we need to prepare ourselves spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. This means building a strong foundation of faith, continually learning, and growing in our relationship with God. Think of it as charging your phone before a long day out—you wouldn’t want to be caught with a dead battery, right?
Read and reflect on the Bible. It’s our spiritual guidebook.
Pray regularly. It’s our way of staying connected with God.
Participate in community and worship. It strengthens our faith and supports us through life’s ups and downs.

2. Stay Vigilant and Alert
Life can be full of distractions, delays, and unexpected events—just like the bridegroom’s delay in the parable. It’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind and lose focus on what really matters. Staying vigilant means keeping our eyes on our faith and our purpose.
Set spiritual goals. They keep you focused on your journey.
Avoid distractions. Identify what pulls you away from your faith and find ways to manage or eliminate those distractions.
3. Don’t Rely on Others for Your Spiritual Readiness
The foolish virgins tried to borrow oil from the wise ones, but spiritual readiness isn’t something you can borrow. It’s a personal journey. While community and friends are vital, no one else can cultivate your faith for you.
Own your faith journey. Take responsibility for your spiritual growth.
Learn and apply. Don’t just listen to sermons or read scriptures—live them out.

4. The Importance of Readiness
The parable ends with a strong message: we don’t know when the Lord will come. This isn’t meant to scare us but to remind us to live each day with purpose and readiness. We should strive to live in a way that honors God, whether we’re at school, at work, or hanging out with friends.
Live with intention. Make choices that reflect your values and faith.
Be kind and loving. Reflect God’s love in your actions every day.
The Parable of the Ten Virgins is a call to action for all of us. It’s a reminder to be wise, prepared, and vigilant as we await the Lord’s coming. By building a strong foundation of faith, staying focused, taking personal responsibility for our spiritual growth, and living each day with intention, we can be ready when the time comes.
So, let’s take these lessons to heart and start preparing today. Keep your lamps burning bright, and remember, the journey of faith is an ongoing adventure. Stay ready, stay faithful, and let your light shine!