Shipping Policy

Delivery Timeframe

Once you place an order with Ink of Faith, we aim to dispatch it within 24-48 hours.

Please Note: During periods of sales or high order volume, shipping/deliveries may experience delays.

Shipping Charges

For Prepaid Orders:

  • Enjoy free shipping on all prepaid orders above ₹499/-

  • A shipping charge of ₹40 to ₹80  is applied to prepaid orders below ₹499/-

For COD (Cash On Delivery) Orders:

  • An additional charge of ₹40 is applied to COD orders, which covers the COD handling fees charged by the courier service. To ensure contactless delivery, we recommend opting for prepaid payment methods.

Delivery Time:

  • Minimum Delivery Time will be 2 Days

  • Maximum Delivery Time will be 10 Days

Undelivered Orders

Our courier partner will attempt delivery up to three times. If delivery is still unsuccessful, a refund will be issued to either your Ink of Faith wallet or the original payment source. This store credit can be used for future purchases with us.

Contact Us

For any questions regarding our shipping policy, please reach out to us at